Monday, September 17, 2007

Erika's Camera Phone (A Blast from the Past from my Sister-in-Law's camera)

Okay so this is Karch almost a year ago, he must of been about nine months old here. If you look closely, you'll see his dad in the background looking for Christmas ribbons.
This picture picture is sweet for two reasons: it was taken when I was testing out my camera cell phone (didn't expect it to turn out so clear) and it reminds me of how teeeny tiney Karch was!


Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Trial Run at Blogging

My cousin, Hoolie, has inspired me to blog. She suggested it awhile ago, but after much thought, her suggestion was our best option.

To start our blog off, here's our most recent family picture (taken at Whistler, BC). It will soon change, considering that there'll be a new addition to the family in less than 6 weeks.