This past Friday, I began to feel consistent contractions. Since I was GBS positive, I needed to get to the hospital as quickly as possible. I was admitted at 4:30 pm. I was only in the early labour stage from then until 3:30 a.m. I thought that I would be sent home in the morning. But things quickly progressed. My water broke at 5:00 a.m, and Maryn made her grand entrance at 5:53 a.m on April 3rd, weighing 8.8 lbs and measuring 52 cm. We are now officially a family of five and could not be happier.
A just-born Maryn Sofia Lalia Bueno
Party of Five
With the very awesome Dr. Lebl
Maryn with Ninang Rika and Ninong DanMaryn visiting Lola Vima on Easter Sunday
With Ninong Mike and T. Lo
We hope you all had a blessed Easter!
congrats again!! such a beautiful family!! xxoo
congrats again!! such a beautiful family!! xxoo
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