Saturday, November 8, 2008

Karchy goes to Madagascar

Karchy saw his first ever movie in the movie theatres today! While Ray and I watched a movie and while Tessa stayed with my mom, Tita Rika and Tito Dan went with Karch to watch Madagascar 2! I didn't bring a camera to the theatres, but, according to reports, Karch was mesmerized by the big screen and big sounds. He symphatised with the lion and got sad when he got hurt! And when we met afterwards, he was all smiles! I'm so excited. Now that I know he can sit through an animated movie, I can take him more often and we can share some quality time at the theatres.


Julie P. said...

fun! pablo's 1st movie was kung fu panda (so good!) and i want to take him to see madagascar 2 and bolt (coming out later this month).

btw, i wanted to tell you how glad i was to see your post about obama. it was a wonderful feeling to wake up on weds AM after the election - it felt like a new world. everyone is feeling so positive and hoefull for the next 4 years (and maybe 8). it's also exciting for us chicagoans since he is a chicago boy! yes we can! and yes we did!!

Blog Name Here said...

Hey! Karchy beat me to Madagascar...