Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Guilty Pleasure

Although it's been around for awhile, I have just started to read Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Saga. And boy am I addicted; thanks to my friend Charina who insisted I read these books! Usually, I'm not a big fan of books with vampires and other supernatural beings, but the romance in these books is what got me hooked. Edward Cullen just makes your heart melt! I've actually read Twilight and New Moon in three days, and right now I'm having withdrawals because I have to wait until tomorrow to buy Eclipse.

Oh and no worries, I did feed and bathe K & T these past three days.

I'm hoping to finish Eclipse by the time Breaking Dawn comes out. Breaking Dawn comes out on August 2nd. I can't wait until the movie comes out-12/12/08!

Here's a link to everything Twilight: Enjoy.

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