Saturday: Tessa was all dressed up (Excuse the leg warmers. I didn't want to put tights on her, so I put on the next best thing. Hey, at least, it'll keep her warm and make changing her diaper easier!) for our mini outing to Vancouver. It's only a 45 minute drive, but you know how it is with kids?! Any drive more than 10 minutes is considered LONG! Ray, Karch, Tessa, and I went to Granville Island to have some lunch with some friends.
Jeff, one of Tessa's godfathers, pose with Tessa during lunch.

Wednesday: As many of you all know, it rains A LOT here in Vancouver. But at last, the sun came out. After what felt like forever of being indoors after naptime, we came out to release some energy at the park. 

Thursday: We didn't do much this Valentine's Day, but I did get some flowers. While Ray was getting the van tuned up (Yes, on Valentine's Day!), K, T, and I went for a walk as usual. Check out Tessa's drool, I think she's starting to teeth! Yikes!

Tuesday: On his way back to Toronto, Tito Ike visited us this week. It's always great to have family visit us. Too bad, Tessa was already asleep when we took these pictures.

Thursday: We didn't do much this Valentine's Day, but I did get some flowers. While Ray was getting the van tuned up (Yes, on Valentine's Day!), K, T, and I went for a walk as usual. Check out Tessa's drool, I think she's starting to teeth! Yikes!

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: Ray was off, so we went everyday as a family. Oh and thanks to Craigslist we were able to sell our table! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
So jealous that you guys actually get to go OUTSIDE! And Karch can walk! And you can navigate a stroller! We have so much snow (and it's really icy) that Pablo falls when we are outsidee...and forget about trying to use a stroller!
Awww, that's too bad! No worries, I think your summers are warmer there!
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