Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, Ray!

A start to the new year means that it is also time to celebrate Ray's birthday today. When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday, he said all he wanted was to save up for an IMac(reasonable) and for me to bake a cake. I'm no baker, so thank goodness for Duncan Hines Devil's Food Cake. I love that Ray is such a simple guy that even a cake out of box will make his birthday happy.

Happy birthday, Ray! Here's to many more birthdays of Duncan Hines cake and of celebrating your special day together. Karch, Tessa, and I love you always.

Here's a picture of my most awesome husband and K & T's most dedicated Dada with his favourite people.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Keep calm and carry on...

Besides finding random things on etsy, reading blogs, written by Perez, my fashionista cousin, and blogger moms have been a recent internet pasttime. One of my friends who writes a blog introduced me to a blog by Stephanie Nielsen ( Stephanie who, despite almost losing her life and her husband to a horrific plane crash that claimed the life of their family friend, still manages to live by this popular timeless World War 2 sign below,

to keep calm and carry on. Sure, there are times when it seems life isn't all that great, but then she takes a minute and realizes that being able to have a second chance in life, to spend time she may not have had with her children and family, and to be with her Mr. Nilesen, are what makes life great. She is admirably optimistic, and reading her blog has made me learn a thing or two about motherhood.

After all, I have noticed lately that I've been more overwhelmed to the demands of juggling work and motherhood. This is a little bit scary, considering the fact that Ray and I are expecting our third this April. Don't get me wrong, I am extremely excited and happy to have a third. That is, in fact, mine and Ray's ultimate plan. Yet, I still need to be reminded to keep calm when things are making me crazy and carry on with life and remember that my babies are growing up so quickly. I just need to learn the magic formula for balance and cherish my daily struggles with Karchy and Tessa. After all, I honestly cannot stay frustrated with these faces:

Can you?!
Oh...I just love them, despite the "music" they make. So, here's to the next decade with my new mantra...keep calm and carry on!