At last, Christmas vacation has officially started, and we're snowed in. This means that it's time to catch up on blogging, reading (The Time Traveler's Wife) , and maybe even folding laundry and wrapping gifts!
So here are some pictures and videos of our week in the snow:
Here's Karch making a snow angel:
Here's my mom had to take a snow day this week because of the snow:
Tessa is scared of the snow since it kept landing on her eyelashes:

Meanwhile, her big brother, K, loves the snow:

Here's the only thing the kids and I can do: walk to my mom's place:

And today, we have blizzard-like conditions (at least it feels like it), so while K was out with Ray shoveling and playing,
T was staying in and dancing to the music!
Thank goodness, Ray starts work late. At least, he might be able to drive me around tomorrow, so we can do some last minute shopping and so we can get out of the house.